Kickstart Your Backlist

Learn why kickstarting your backlist of audiobook content with Findaway Voices can boost your sales and help you reach new audiences!

Perhaps you are a content creator that has come from ACX. Maybe you've recently found out that you are not bound by exclusivity with your current contract. Or maybe you even have content that you haven't posted anywhere.

Read on to find out why kickstarting your backlist is a fantastic idea—and by this, we mean publishing content, or your backlist, with Findaway Voices (even if you have already published it elsewhere, like ACX).

1) Your Content is New to Us, No Matter If It's Already Been Published

In the theater world, directors will often tell their actors the following: "For many of today/tonight's audience, they're seeing the play for the first time. So give them your best!" Likewise, even though your audiobook may have been published on another platform, it's brand new to this audience! When you reach new platforms, you reach a brand new world of listeners who may discover it for the first time.

It makes sense to upload your audiobook to Findaway Voices, even if it's already on another platform. For example, if your audiobook has only been on ACX, there are more than 30 other platforms you could be reaching with Findaway Voices.

2) Create an Additional Stream of Passive Income

Like any book you publish, royalties can be made any time of the day. While you're sleeping, someone in Sydney, Australia is taking their lunch break and decides to log in to their library app and check out your latest novel. When they do that, you get paid via the Cost Per Checkout model we have set up with their library.

Or maybe you're wrapping up your evening in your home office and have written your 5,000 words for the day. As you're revising and putting on the final touches, someone in Turkey logs onto Google Play with their Android device and purchase an audiobook that you've recorded years ago and uploaded via Findaway Voices just last month.

In both of these examples, you can see that the more ways you can get paid doing work you've already done, the better.

3) Redesign Your Cover Art, Record a Forward or Acknowledgements to Refresh Your Content

Another cool thing about uploading your content through Findaway Voices that may exist elsewhere includes the ability to refresh and revitalize it.

Has it been 10 years since it's been written? Create a tenth anniversary edition! Always wanted to change up the cover art and haven't had a chance or a reason to yet? Now is the perfect opportunity!

Maybe there is a forward that you can ask a peer or mentor to write on behalf of you and your book and it can be recorded and added to the beginning. Go for it!

There are so many ways to refresh and uplift content that may have been sitting on your shelf for awhile, and what better reason to do so than uploading through Findaway Voices?

Get Started Today!

Feeling inspired? You have a few options. Firstly, you can upload your audiobook now!

Secondly, you can make an event in your calendar to reach out to someone for a forward, review your contract to see if you are still exclusive with whomever you first signed with, check out our help center for answers to common questions, or you can put in some time to chat to your favorite designer about re-designing your cover art. Let's get your audiobook content out to more hungry listeners!