Feature Update: Real-time Sales Reporting

Now you can generate custom .csv reports of your sales data, including up-to-the-minute data for some retailers.
Findaway Voices customers now have more visibility into their sales data than ever before. We’re excited to roll out a new tool that gives you real-time access to provisional sales metrics on certain sales channels.
The next time you log in to your Findaway Voices account, you’ll notice a new tab on your “My Audiobooks” homepage: Sales Reporting. In this tab, you’ll be able to generate reports with up-to-the-minute sales data for some retailers, or download reports from past months with sales data from all retailers.
The data generated from this report doesn’t come without some warnings. This data should always be considered unofficial and provisional — there are various reasons why things may need to be changed or adjusted before your official reports come out.
Still, the information provided in these reports should be a great indicator of trend-level data, especially if you want to see if a particular marketing campaign or promotion is moving the needle. There’s more exciting updates yet to come with this tool, but we’re excited to give you visibility into these data feeds now.
Ok! So I can see real-time sales for which retailers?
Real-time visibility into sales is available for the following sales channels: 24Symbols, 3Leaf, Baker & Taylor, Beek, Bibliotheca, EBSCO, eStories, Follett, Instaread, Mackin, Nook, ODILO, Permabound, and Wheelers. When a purchase happens on these platforms, it’ll be available in the Sales Reporting tab right away.

For other sales channels, once the official data is wrapped up and presented to your in official monthly sales reports, it will also show up in this tool.
What this means is that if you are pulling recent data, you can expect to only see data from the distributors with real-time data available. It doesn’t mean sales aren’t happening on the other platforms, just that they aren’t visible yet. If you’re going back a few months, you can expect to see a more complete picture, that will mostly mirror your official reports (there may be discrepancies—all data from this tool is unofficial).
Data in the Sales Reporting tab is available back to January 2018 for all Findaway Voices customers.
How soon before data is available for new releases?
It usually takes 2–3 weeks for a new release’s sales data to start flowing in. Don’t panic if for the first few weeks after you submit your audiobook, there’s no data being returned in the report, or your most-recent audiobook is disabled in the title dropdown.