Partner Update: Barnes & Noble

New Seamless Audiobook Experience
We're excited to share that Barnes & Noble will soon release a more seamless user experience by making available audiobooks directly on their website and natively within the Nook account. Previously, audiobooks were in a separate app and website.
What does this mean for authors? Barnes & Noble customers will be able to easily purchase an audiobook version of their book from the same page as where they would purchase an ebook or print edition, with the paid audiobook being automatically synced with your Nook account and available in the library section of the main Nook app.
Barnes & Noble will continue selling audiobooks in the retail a la carte model, and will soon be adding a credit subscription model for audiobooks.
We have updated our Digital Distribution Agreement to reflect these updates. All titles currently being distributed to Barnes & Noble will automatically be included in their new model. There’s nothing you need to do to participate, but if you’d like to opt-out you may visit your audiobook project distribution page.