Pen Names & Pseudonyms 😎

You may notice a few new icons in the Findaway Voices site: a fingerprint icon and a sunglasses icon.

We introduced these icons to help make it clearer which name fields would be used for marketing your book, and which name fields would be used for our tax documents and internal communications.
When you see the fingerprint icon, we’re expecting your legal name to be entered in that name field. We’ll use this name to personalize your experience around the site, in emails to you, and internally at Findaway Voices.
Your real name won’t be made public.

When you see the sunglasses icon, you should enter the name you’d like customers to see when your book is marketed and sold — this is the right place for your pen name or pseudonym. You can use a different pen name on every project if you’d like, while still using only a single account registered to your real name.

We know many authors write under different names, and with this structure we hope to make it much clearer when we expect your pen name and when we expect your real name — we’ll always display one of these icons next to any fields where we ask you to enter a name. Only the names next to the 😎 will be public (included in your book’s metadata).