Recommended Reading: “How do I make an audiobook?”

Here’s a blog post you’re sure to enjoy, via Rachel Amphlett.
Drawing on her own experiences and some great Q&As with her team at Audio Factory, Rachel walks you through the full process of making an audiobook — from casting her narrator all the way through distributing the finished product in her recent post, “How do I make an audiobook?”
Our team really loved reading about all the effort her narrator Alison put in to researching and prepping for the production. She makes sure to find a unique voice to every character, and hints that it doesn’t start getting hard until she hits around 70 unique voices in a single book — talk about a pro!
And then on the distribution side of the process (at the risk of sounding overly self-promotional), this was probably our favorite excerpt from the post 😉:
“With the Detective Kay Hunter crime thriller series, I’ve gained a broader worldwide reach thanks to Findaway Voices.” — Rachel Amphlett
🙌 High fives from the team at Findaway Voices, Rachel 🙌! Even when you have your audiobook created elsewhere (and Audio Factory does some really great work), we’re here to help you go wide with distribution!
It really does take a whole team to bring an audiobook to readers’ ears — a great manuscript, the right production/studio team, a dedicated narrator who immerses themselves in the characters, and then the widest distribution possible!
Read the entire original post here: How do I make an audiobook? by Rachel Amphlett.