Thankful for Your Stories
We're thankful for the powerful stories that independent authors and narrators bring to the world through audiobooks—thankful the author community has entrusted us with the responsibility to distribute their stories.

One word that means so much.
One word that sums up each and every day.
We're thankful for the powerful stories that independent authors and narrators bring to the world through audiobooks—thankful the author community has entrusted us with the responsibility to distribute their stories.
As we enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday and had a chance to reflect on the year, we wanted to simply express our sincere thanks to the entire literary community for bringing such great stories to people when they've needed them, for stories change lives. They can lift someone up, provide hope, or comfort them in a time they need it most.
Thank you for joining Findaway Voices.
Thank you for sharing in this journey with us.
We started Findaway Voices with a promise—to enable authors to have their stories heard by as many people as possible. We began with the belief that authors have the right to create, market, and distribute their audiobooks. Since our launch in July 2017, we have continued to pursue that promise, steadfast in our beliefs that authors should have the ability to publish their stories as audiobooks to a global audience.
Our team is thankful for the reception and chance to work with such tremendous authors and narrators.
We believe in the power of hearing stories. How listening to stories creates a rich and deeply human experience. Working with authors and narrators on something we’re so passionate for is meaningful and rewarding to us.
Thank you for your comments and critiques, suggestions, and support. Thank you for helping us balance the needs of authors and narrators while recognizing key improvements we can make. Thank you for always being honest. Your feedback has made us better and we promise to always listen
Thank you for the chance to represent your books and for placing your trust in us.
And, finally, thank you for believing in our mission to open the audiobook market to create new opportunities for authors, narrators, publishers, storytellers, and creators—we're having a lot of fun doing this.
With respect & gratitude,
The Findaway Voices Team