When do you listen to audiobooks?

We set up a poll at this year’s APAC to find out.
Every spring, audiobook publishers and narrators come together for a day of intelligence and networking — before a busy week continues with BEA, the Audies, and every meeting, party and event you can think of. As a Findaway veteran, APAC is always one of my favorite industry events (this is my 4th year attending).
Findaway continues to play a role in APAC, always offering a different form of support towards audiobooks and the amazing people who bring them to life. This year, with audiobooks being hotter than ever, we decided to turn our small tablescape into a big battle: When do you listen to audiobooks? Studies prove that 28% of people listen to audiobooks on their commutes and 19% listen at home. But when does our network of book-lovers listen?

We set up a simple “bubble gum” voting system, asking everyone to vote with their orange gum ball for daytime listener, or their purple gum ball for nighttime listener. Of course there were those who said “well, what happens if I listen all the time?” — a double drop of course! Oddly enough, there were a few folks who said they didn’t listen to audiobooks because they were too busy producing them! After watching our friends drop gum ball after gum ball, the race was close and the “daytime listeners” took the lead just as the day ended.
After attending APAC for the past few years, it's always fun to connect with familiar faces, see who’s up for an Audie, and spot our swag from previous shows. Audiobooks are more relevant than ever, and this immersive and inspiring day always makes me proud to be a part of the booming community. Until next year APAC, can’t wait to see where another year takes us.