What Next? (After You Submit Your Title for Publishing)

Find out what happens to your audiobook and what to do while it’s processing.
Ever wondered what happens to your audiobook after you hit the submit button? Here’s a look into our process of preparing audiobooks for distribution to our downstream partners, along with some great tips on how to prepare for when your audiobook goes live.
What Happens to My Audiobook?
Once you’ve approved the performance and submitted for publishing (or uploaded your already-produced audio to Findaway Voices), our system runs a series of automated checks to ensure your audiobook will meet the stringent standards of our downstream partners.
Sometimes audio can sound great, but still not meet our technical requirements. When this happens, we’ll work with your narrator (or with you, if you brought finished audio to us) to let you know what needs to be fixed. The most common issues we see include peaks being out of range, and too much/little room tone at the head or tail of audio files. For more information, check out our Audio & Art Requirements.
Within 30 days, your audiobook has been reviewed by our asset quality team, pushed to the partners you’ve chosen, and made available for sale. It’s important to note that your audiobook will appear in outlets at different times.
What Can I Do in The Meantime?
Now is a great time to begin preparing for your audiobook launch. There are many opportunities to promote your audiobook, and we have you covered with our top 5 tips.
- Exclusive Audiobook Content is IN. Creating exclusive audiobook content with your narrator can be a great way to stand out and generate interest. The two of you can then decide if you want to promote this unique content together. It could be as simple as an interview with questions about how they recorded the book, what they thought of a certain character, how they researched, did anything surprise them while performing — let your imagination and creativity guide you to create something awesome and unique.
- Everyone Loves Free Samples. Findaway Voices will provide you with a short sample of your audiobook for promotional purposes. We recommend utilizing SoundCloud and other similar services to tease the book while it’s processing. We’ve found that a short and sweet sample will excite your audience and create awareness of your upcoming release.
- A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words. In addition to sharing the SoundCloud teaser, don’t forget to share the cover of the audiobook on social media platforms, email lists and fan groups. Not only does this create buzz, but your fans will immediately recognize the cover when it’s available for sale.
- Reviews, Reviews, Reviews. Choosing to distribute to Audible through Findaway Voices? If so, we can provide you with free Audible download codes. Give these out to your narrator and super fans and ask them to leave a review. Next, contact audiobook reviewers and blogs that are relevant to your genre and audience to stack additional reviews.UPDATE 8/10/18: ACX no longer provides codes for non-exclusive titles, but we launched Giveaway Codes.
- Paid eBook Promotions Pay Off in Audio. Oftentimes we see that eBook promotions carry over into audiobook success. Claim your free Bookbub Author Profile and consider applying for Bookbub’s Promotional Partner platform. You can also purchase a Freebooksy/Bargainbooksy feature for quick exposure.
Wrapping Up
Have your own tips on audiobook marketing you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments below! We may even pick our favorites to share in an upcoming post!
As always, our team is happy to help, so if you have any questions — send us a note: support@findawayvoices.com.